Get OneNote OneNote Ultimate User Guide to Getting Things Done (Setup OneNote for GTD (2015) in 5 Savvy Steps)

You can download in the form of an ebook: pdf, kindle ebook, ms word here and more softfile type. Get OneNote OneNote Ultimate User Guide to Getting Things Done (Setup OneNote for GTD (2015) in 5 Savvy Steps), this is a great books that I think are not only fun to read but also very educational.
Book Details :
Published on: 2015-05-02
Released on:
Original language: English

Setup OneNote for Getting Things Done in 5 Savvy Steps... Do you want to capture your thoughts and to-do's so they're not consistently running rampant in your mind Would you like to significantly improve your efficiency and productivity so you can have more time Or maybe you'd like to reduce your overall stress levels AND still get more DONE. If so, you've come to the right place! Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 13 years you would have heard about David Allen's "Getting Things Done" (GTD) System detailed in his New York Times Bestseller Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity. Jack Ecko has enriched the same best-selling productivity principles from the newly revised 2015 GTD system by providing a comprehensive guide on how to integrate it with OneNote (a free digital note-taking softwaredeveloped by Microsoft). Through cohesive integration of the two systems you're provided the benefit and ability to note-take wherever you are without a pen and paper whilst supercharging your productivity in your daily activities. No matter how technologically illiterate you may be, this guide will walk you step by step on how to set up the GTD system in OneNote within 30 minutes by following the diagrams and 5 simple steps laid out. If you aren't familiar with the GTD productivity system by David Allen, Jack has you covered as he explains the foundations of the productivity system within the guide. Inside You'll Discover... What the 2015 GTD System Is and WHY It Significantly Improves Your Productivity What OneNotes All About and How to Easily Navigate the Features The #1 Thing You MUST Avoid for Enhanced Productivity The Answer to the Ever Eluding Question: OneNote or EverNote! How to Set OneNote Up Rapidly in 5 Savvy Steps Why OneNote and GTD Form the Dream Team 6 Productivity Hacks Tricks with OneNote that Will Make You a Productivity Ninja Integration of OneNote with Other Software 7 Lucrative Lists to Stress-free Productivity How to Use OneNote with GTD to Decrease Stress and Get More Done in Less Time The Core Principles of the GTD System Results from Studies Done by Cognitive Scientists on Productivity and the Implications on You Three Reasons Why Things Are Always on Your Mind What are you waiting forTimes ticking by! Get more out of your time and effort today by making one of the smartest investments you could ever possibly make. An investment in yourself, your future and your productivity. Scroll up now and buy with 1-click!
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